Dreama 12X12 Oil on Ampersand Panel
This was the first painting that we did at the Dreama Tolle Perry workshop. The whole group did the same painting and it was amazing how well all of us did under the supervision of Dreama. We worked off of the same photo and did this painting in about 3 lengthy steps. I never would of believed that the whole group could do such similar paintings when we had novice and semi professional painters alike.
I was pleased with my results.
Cheers and Happy Easter.
You really captured the look of a Dreama painting - the colors are beautiful.
I also loved your pink blossom tree and bunny. Really well painted.
Thank you Julie. It amazed me how we were able to do that. A sign of an awesome teacher.
Happy painting.
How exciting it must have been to attend one of Dreama's workshops. I think here work is like candy, lol. Your result is really wonderful.
Thank you all for the wonderful comments. Yes, it was exciting and still is. I highly recommend Dreama's workshop. She is very giving of time and information.
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